Artist: Lori Swartz


I had the pleasure to meet artist Lori Swartz and discover her incredible work as I explored art options for office space.   When I work with clients on their interior design projects it is fun to discover the art for the space at the start of our collaboration. Designing a space I can find inspiration for wall colors, flooring, furnishings and textiles from their existing art or hunt for a piece that freshly starts our voyage.  It adds an edge of excitement to the creative process earlier rather at the end of the journey.

Susan Berk, the President of New Mexico Women in the Arts (NMWA) and I discussed the  idea of art guiding the creative journey in interior design.  Santa Fe is an ideal place for exploring art and finding inspiration your home. Living in an artful city such as Santa Fe is not a necessity,  there are wonderful ways to engage in the art world for inspiration by visiting art filled museums on vacation or online galleries.

Discover Lori Swartz at